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Clara Garcia
Clara was one of the coordinators of the COP26 Language Justice team held in Glasgow during 2021 – recruiting and training over 400 volunteer interpreters to provide language services for The People’s Summit and delivering in-person and digital interpretation for more than 40 events, sessions and movement assemblies in 8+ languages.
Having worked in various unions, social organisations, and activist spaces across the UK she has extensive experience enabling multilingual political organising.
P.G. Macioti
PG received a PhD in Politics and International Studies in 2014. The subject of her thesis was radical education and language skill sharing as means for political transformation from the margins, with a focus on undocumented migrants’ demands for rights in UK, Germany and Spain. She has worked for, co-founded, and coordinated several community, research and activist projects in UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, US, New Zealand and Australia.
Andrea Sisó
Andrea earned her MA from the Royal College of Arts in London, where she learned to integrate community-led co designing and design justice principles into her work. Since graduating, she has worked on various projects for communities and organizations in the social movement and sustainability space, including working with the city of London and the Barbican to create Gaia’s Garden. This community garden hosted a program dedicated to intersectional sustainability pedagogy, which brought together communities across London.